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Academic Scholarships 2024-25 AY

British School of Ulaanbaatar is inviting motivated Mongolian high school students to apply to its Academic Scholarship
programme for the 2024-2025 academic year. The BSU Academic Scholarship aims to give Mongolia high school students an opportunity to study globally recognised British education and to support the young generation of Mongolia in their efforts to contribute to the country's future.

Students who qualify for an award will gain financial support and assistance to attend BSU, starting in August 2024. BSU offers three levels of award: a Full Scholarship providing 100% reduction of fees, a Partial Scholarship offering a 70% reduction or an Exhibition Award which provides a 40% reduction in fees. Levels of award will be judged on performance in examinations and interviews at BSU in February 2024.

By providing these awards, BSU strives to support the younger generation of Mongolians in their efforts to contribute to the country and support the leaders of the future. Continued provision of the award is dependent on scholars maintaining their high academic performance. 


Application deadline: Applicants should deliver the required documents to BSU in person, by post, courier, or email by 5:00pm Friday 15 th March 2024.

Eligibility criteria for all Scholarship applicants:

  • Eligible to join either Year 10 or Year 12 in August 2024. For Year 10, applicants must have been born between 21st August 2010 to 20th August 2009,  for Year 12, applicants must have been born between 21st August 2008 to 20th August 2007. 

  • The motivation, ability and desire to follow the rigorous IGCSE and A-Level programmes (depending on age);

  • No less than a 90% average academic performance in the current academic year;

  • At least upper-intermediate or advanced spoken and written English (minimum Level: B2);

  • Demonstrable independent study skills; 

  • Maturity and cultural sensitivity;

  • Active engagement in community and voluntary projects;

  • Involvement in the Arts and/or Athletics programmes.

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • A completed application Form (download from here);

  • Two copy of the photo;

  • A copy of Personal ID or Birth Certificate; 

  • A reference letter from the Head, Principal or Academic Director of the applicant’s current school; 

  • A transcript of all grades achieved for the past two academic years;

  • An essay in English written by the applicant describing his or her plans, vision, and goals for the future (600 words maximum, Times New Roman 12, spacing between lines 1.5).

  • Materials must be brought to the British School of Ulaanbaatar's front desk before the deadline. 


The Scholarship process will proceed in three stages:

i. Following receipt of the Scholarship Application by the BSU Admissions Team, those applicants that fit the Eligibility Criteria detailed above and have submitted all the required documents will be considered for the Scholarship. The school will contact successful applicants directly. 

ii. Qualifying applicants will be invited to the School on a weekend to take special examinations covering English, Mathematics and Science.

iii. Those applicants who perform well in the  examination will be invited to a personal Interview with the Head Master and senior staff of BSU, after which judgements and decisions on the type and level of award shall be made. 


Application fee:

Successful applicants for the second stage must transfer 150,000MNT to the school’s account: TDB bank, account number: 415015175, account name: Eco School Garden LLC
The transaction details must include the full name and Mongolian registration number of the applicant.

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