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Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, students are introduced to the world of education. The mind of a child at this age is exceptionally flexible and able to assimilate new knowledge and skills at an amazing rate, and the British Early Years Foundation Stage framework supports this in a rigorous but incremental fashion.

Individualised approach

British Early Years Foundation Stage framework supports this in a rigorous but incremental fashion. Our individualised approach helps children learn how to deal with new challenges such as co-operation, respect for each other and learning to follow a routine. Students wear school uniform, attend age-appropriate assemblies and follow a structured routine with lessons based on termly topics exploring cross-curricular themes.

Kid Standing on Bench


Our youngest students are taught by a dedicated team of supportive teachers and assistants, but also enjoy access to specialist teachers for languages and Physical Education. English is introduced right from the start in the classroom, with regular visits to the Library and listening to stories. The Nursery classes provide an environment where students can develop their communication and fine motor skills, social behaviour and emotional control. Learning is play- based but achievements and milestones required by the curriculum are recorded and communicated to parents as they happen via Tapestry, our information app.

Art Class


Reception classes introduce students to the idea of more formal schooling, with more distinct lessons and a greater emphasis on acquiring the tools of learning; reading, writing and simple mathematics. The curriculum offers the children a chance to learn about themselves and the world around them in a stimulating fashion. There are two parallel classes at each stage, each with a qualified teacher, ably supported by teaching assistants, enabling the staff to have as much time as possible with each student giving a level of attention appropriate to each student’s needs. Having followed this programme, the students at the British School of Ulaanbaatar are very well prepared academically, socially and physically to join the Primary School in Year One.

Art Class
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