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BSU Graduation - 2023

Class of 2023, the time has come for you to say ‘goodbye’ to your school life and welcome the exciting new world of college and university. We are presenting quotes from the speeches of BSU teachers and distinguished guests to the graduates during the ceremony.

Head of Secondary Mr Daniel Storer:

'' Cliché 2. Dream big, reach for the stars: Every one of you has a talent which can take you a long way in life, so use it. It is good to have ambition. It is ambition that took mankind to the moon, it is ambition that lit the light bulb, it is ambition that rolled the wheel, it is ambition that made fish walk. Humans without ambition were eaten by sabre-tooth tigers.''

UNESCO’s representative Ms Urangaa:

'' You have been privileged with an exceptional education, a gift that not everyone in our country has had the opportunity to receive. With this privilege comes a responsibility to extend a helping hand to those in need. I encourage you to use the knowledge and skills you have acquired here to contribute to the betterment of society. Let compassion and empathy be guiding principles in your lives.''

Head of Secondary Ms Jade Nipp:

'' You have proven yourself to be positive and contributing members of society and our community, and I am sure that I speak for all the staff here at BSU when I say I am proud to have had the privilege of being part of your journey. We are truly going to miss your antics, your personalities, your friendly greetings, your tough questions, your inspiring ideas and your senses of humour.''

University Counselor Ms Elizabeth Heald:

'' Continue being kind to yourselves as you embrace the challenges of higher education and moving away from home. It is important you remember how to do this, whether it’s through playing sport with friends, sharing your drawings and creativity, giving each other makeup tips in a morning or having a natter over in ‘cups-of-tea corner.''

BSU Headmaster Mr Jonathan Warner:

A void the easy option or the obvious path. Often, the rocky roads will provide you with much more in the long term, tough as they may be at the time. Think back: have hard times provided you with more inspiration and growth in the long run? I’m sure they have – mine have. So keep looking for what makes you a little scared: never let fear paralyse you, but instead use it to push you further than you thought you could go, and in this way you will keep on learning and growing for the rest of your life.''

Congratulations 2023 Graduates!

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